Under Construction


As we go through life, numerous transitions, struggles, and victories arise. I’m not sure I can put a “label” on what stage I’m at right now. I believe the best phrase to define it is what’s stated above. I’m under construction. I’m taking a step back and attempting to figure out what it is I’m all about.

Now, I know what you’re thinking… “Melissa, you’re 24 years old, you don’t have to have it all figured out.” Which, is an accurate statement. Thing is, I don’t want to have it all figured out, I just want to have me figured out. Which, sure, seems simple, but recently I’ve realized it’s not.

A lot of my life has been me mimicking what I think people want me to be. Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, at all. I’ve gained a plethora of great qualities and insights that way. Recently, I’ve noticed that I’ve been trying to please people way too much, instead of pleasing myself. Which is where I’ve run into some issues I guess you could say. To some, this will come as a surprise. Fret not, it was to me too.

Here are two things that will never change:
1) My heart – I’ll still be that selfless person who would do anything to help a loved one.
2) My faith – Yes, I believe in God, that will never change.

Everything else is subject to and will most likely get some revamping.
Thanks for your support while I figure things out.


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