Be The Best Person You Can Be

“Life advice: Always be the best person you can be. Be kind eve when you’re tired. Be understanding even when you’re angry. Do more than you’re asked, and don’t ask for anything in return. Don’t silently expect anything either. Listen when someone talks, and really listen too, stop just thinking of how you’ll reply. Tell people you love them and that you appreciate them. Go out of your way to do things for people. Be the greatest person you can possibly be and when you mess up, make up for it in the next moment, or minute, or day. One thing you should never do? Never spend your time trying to prove to anybody that you’re great, your actions will speak for themselves. We only have a limited time on this earth, don’t waste it. If someone doesn’t see your light, don’t worry. Like moths, good people are attracted to flame and to light, and they will come.”

I’m not entirely sure who originally wrote this quote, but this is how I’ve always been, so I thought I’d share it with you.

I’ve had countless people in my life ask me many questions about how after all I’ve been through how I continue to act the way I do towards people, how I’ve been able to stay tender through it all. The answer is two part, but it’s simple. One is 100 percent because of God. Two is because I never learned how to be any other way. I never needed to learn to be a different way.

So let’s start with God. This one is by far the simplest and in my eyes doesn’t need much explanation. God so loved the world that He gave. He gave His son so that we may live. I don’t think that I can recall and act of love that could ever trump that. In return all He asks is to love Him and love your neighbor as yourself. I feel like that’s an extremely easy job, at least for me.

The second kind of ties into the first. The examples that were most prominent in my life when I was younger always portrayed love. Unconditional love at that. I consider myself “lucky” to have grown up around people that love me in such a way. I understand that not everyone has been able to do that in their lives. But because I was treated in such a way, I learned to do that with others, no matter what there background may be. I learned to love them before I could judge them. I learned to trust them before they gave me a reason to. I always give people the best first. You never know their struggles until you get to know them. You don’t know their heart or their intent before you sit down and have a conversation with them. This is where “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” really comes into play.

In my life, because I am this way, have I been hurt? Of course! Does it change the way I want to live my life? No way. What gain would I get from not loving, trusting, and believing in people? None. There’d literally be no gain from that whatsoever. My goal in life is to help as many people I can, and touch peoples lives in a way that they never thought was possible. My goal is to love people for who they are, and the heart they have, not for whats on the outside. Who am I to judge?

“You will love and not be loved back. Give, and not receive. Help and be left helpless. Teach and not be taught. Forgive and be forgiven. Trust and be doubted. Pray and be cursed by others. You will be unnoticed, unliked, unloved, and unappreciated. But NEVER EVER NEVER let anyone else stop you from being YOU. Because YOU are the one stretching, growing, and rising. Never subtract the best of you to add the worst of anyone else.” ~Howard Britt